Frequently asked questions
Opening times
Service Subitle
Our preschool is open term time where you can choose either sessional care or full days.
AM sessions are 9.00-12.00
PM sessions are 12.30-15.30
Full days 9.00-15.30
We also offer a breakfast club facility which allows your child to start at 8.30am. This means children can join us half an hour earlier and have some cereal before our AM session begins.
What is the EYFS
What You Need
E.Y.F.S. stands for Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is a curriculum set up by the Government that states how we as early years practitioners do things.
The EYFS is split into 7 areas in total.
3 prime areas: Communication, Personal social and emotional, Physical
And 4 specific areas: Maths, Understanding the world, Literacy, Expressive art and design
Within these areas we must ensure children are making progress in each area.
Outdoor Play
A Perfect Fit
We offer a secure outdoor learning environment where children can explore our multi-sensory garden so children use all their senses to investigate the world around them.